
Tuesday, May 11, 2021

How to Protect Yourself from Noise Pollution in Delhi

 Human-made noise can have a profound effect on our hearing, affecting how well we hear speech and even increase the risk of developing conditions such as tinnitus or some types of cancer. Noise pollution affects our ability to hear on many levels – it lowers the sensitivity of our ears to frequencies as well as activates the structures in our inner ear that help control those frequencies. Noise pollution can be either permanent or transitory depending on how we react to it and where it originates. A lot of research has been done into the effects of noise pollution so it's definitely something that should be factored in on your travel/business itinerary if you want to end up traveling or have business there as well.

Protecting yourself from noise pollution

We humans love to complain, but most of us are not loud. The average person talks at a moderate volume about such things as rain, traffic, people and other fairly banal things. But when a large vehicle is coming from the opposite direction at high speed or when an airplane is flying overhead just behind a building, those sounds can disturb us greatly. Noise pollution is a growing problem for human ears and a growing problem for all living creatures. It affects those with hearing damage as well as those who have it difficult enough to manage the constant noise that lives in the world. The symptoms of noise-induced hearing loss can include difficulty hearing or speaking clear sounds correctly. But there are ways to prevent this from happening to you or to other people around you. For instance, there are ways to protect yourself from excessive noise.

Noise pollution is one of the biggest contributors to your biggest health issues. It hurts your ability to focus, relax, sleep, or even remember what you want to eat or drink. Noise-cancelling earbuds for audiophile users are the solution to this problem. It’s well established that these devices reduce ambient noise by as much as an order of magnitude (100 dB). That is why they are so popular with professionals like doctors and flight attendants who need to fly commercials or spend a lot of time in offices. 

We protect our ears with some kind of hearing protection, which usually consists of earmuffs, but it can also be polarized or noise-cancelling headphones or even foam ear pads. There are a lot of things you could do to reduce ambient noise, but none of them are magic bullets. Noticeable Noise is an infographic that explains the specific impact noise has on you. To me, at least, it argues for a little more consideration than the (admittedly small) cost of your quality of life fine in exchange for removing yourself from the air conditioning for 15 minutes during work hours. 

There are lots of ENT specialists in Delhi. who help you to protect yourself from noise pollution get in touch with them.

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