
Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Different Kinds of Breast Lumps and Their Treatment in Delhi

 According to a survey, every one in two women diagnosed with breast cancer succumbs to death. In addition, one in twenty-eight women will develop breast cancer at some point in their life. 

One of the typical symptoms of breast cancer is a breast lump. Hence, women should consult their gynaecologists regularly to detect any early signs of breast cancer. You can seek medical advice from the best gynaecologist in Pune using a health card online. 

Let’s get to know more about breast lumps and their treatment. 

Breast Lump and their Different types

A breast lump is an abnormal swelling, bulge or protuberance in the breast that feels from the normal breast tissue surrounding it. The majority of the breast lumps are non-cancerous. However, it is vital to get it checked by a doctor. The most common types of breast lumps are as follows: 

       Breast Cysts: It is a non-cancerous lump characterized by a fluid-filled sac in the breast. 

       Abscesses: These are painful but non-cancerous and feel solid or hot when touched. 

       Adenoma: It occurs when glandular tissue in the breast grows abnormally and amounts to 50% of breast lumps that are non-cancerous. 

       Cancerous Lumps: A tumour feels hard and is usually painless in the early stages, and occurs in the outer upper quadrant of the breast 

Treatment For Breast Lumps

For the non-cancerous variants of breast lump, your doctor will only diagnose and leave it. In case of an abscess, the doctor will drain it and prescribe antibiotics. For cancerous lumps, a biopsy will be done and depending on the stage of cancer, treatments such as chemotherapy or radiotherapy will be suggested. 


To rule out the doubt of breast cancer, it is vital to get a health checkup done regularly. You can use a health card online to seek consultation from the best gynaecologist in south Delhi. 

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